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Swamp Fox Murals Trail. ©2002 Murals: Open to the Public for Free.
For South Carolina Revolutionary War battles, maps, and command structure, JD Lewis has done extensive work: the Revolutionary War in South Carolina, JD's presentation at Francis Marion Symposium , Evolution of Marion's BrigadeEvolution_of_Marion's_Brigade_1780_to_1782_JDL.pdf Search the Rev. War Pension records on-line:
For fun, Swamp Fox song at the bottom. |
Significant Rev. War Events timeline for 1780-1782 designed by Scott Aiken to compare Marion's & other events in the Southern Department:
20 Aug 1780 Horse Creek is Nelson's Ferry or Great Savannah
7 Nov 1780 Jack's Creek to Ox Swamp: Marion learned of the
Tarleton planned ambush at Richardson's Tarleton gave up the chase and said “as for the old fox, the devil himself could not catch him.” Thus, General Francis Marion became known as the “Swamp Fox”. Marion had a Benbow's Ferry ambush set up on the Black River. 6-28 Mar 1781 Wiboo Swamp, Cantey Plantation, Mount Hope Swamp, Lower Bridge of the Black River at Kingstree to Sampit Bridge 10 Nov 1781 Celebration party at John Cantey’s Plantation Check more Marion events and Bibliography at the bottom. |
Our artist friend, with a passion for General
Francis Marion & at General Francis Marion Memorial Day 2011 by Karen MacNutt. In the darkest hour of the American Revolution, Francis Marion stepped forward when others were giving up. With little but his passion for liberty and strength of intellect, he organized a force of patriots that frustrated British attempts to invade Virginia thereby setting the stage for the British defeat at Yorktown. Loved by his followers, respected by his enemies,
he is one of the foremost heroes
of our War for Independence.
©2009 |
Intro to Francis Marion from the SC Hall of Fame & intro SCETV "Chasing the Swamp Fox". (This SC ETV video can be purchased at ) After Charleston fell on May 12, 1780, Marion had escaped capture and was the only senior Regimental or Continental Officer free to lead the local militia. |
Significant Events
in the Life of Francis Marion and the
Revolution in SC:
September 19, 1778,
Marion takes command of the 2nd South Carolina Regiment.
Marion ambush site established at Benbow Ferry
Nov. 15, 1780
Marion's nephew Gabriel Marion killed after he surrendered near
White Bridge, Georgetown
Lower Bridge
of the Black River at Kingstree
and Sampit Bridge.
Marion has returned to
his home at Pond Bluff
April 20, 1786 Marion (age 53) married to Mary Esther Videau They lived at Pond Bluff, on the south edge of the Santee River
on their many acres
and raised pineland cattle. Feb. 27, 1795 Francis Marion died at his home at Pond Bluff, area presently under Lake Marion and he is buried at Belle Isle, his nephew Job's estate.
Extensive research & the Paper: Francis Marion: Stranger Than
Fiction Marker at Marion's tomb at Pineville, SC. 33° 27.232'N, 80° 5.194' .
Note: Researched information from works of: Lucien Agniel, Rebels Victorious: The American Revolution in the South, 1972
Scott Aiken:
Swamp Fox: Lessons in Leadership from the Partisan Campaigns of Francis
, 2012 Todd Andrlik, Hugh Harrington, Don Hagist, Journal of the American Revolution v.1, 2013
Lawrence E. Babits, A
of a Whipping, 1998
Lawrence E. Babits, Southern Campaigns, 2002
Robert D. Bass, The Green Dragoon, 1973 M. C. Beckham, Colonial Spy, 2005 Douglas H. Bennett, Trail of the Swamp Fox, 2000 Carol Berkin, Revolutionary Mothers, 2005 Bob Bishop, Life, Liberty and Happiness, 2009 Mark M. Boatner III, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, 1966 Benson Bobrick, Angel in the Whirlwind, 1997
Carl Borick, A Gallant Dedense, 2003. Carl P. Borick, Relieve Us of This Burthen, 2012. R. Arthur Bowler, Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America, 1975 William Willis Boddie, Traditions of the Swamp Fox, 2000 Melissa L. Bohrer, Glory,
and Principle, 2003 C. L. Bragg, Crescent Moon over Carolina, 2013 C. L. Bragg, Martyr of the American Revolution, 2016 Charles Broadwell, Sketches of Planters, Plantations, and Living Along the Great Road, Saint Mark's Parish, 1700-2000, 2010 Marvin W. Bubie, Celebrating the Revolutionary War – Municipal Symbols of a Free Country, 2011
John Buchanan, The Road To Guilford Courthouse, 1997 John Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, 2004 Bruce E. Burgoyne, Journal of a Hessian Grenadier Battalion, 2005 J. B. Burgess, Mount Dearborn Military Establishment, 1999. James M. Burgess, M.D., Chronicles of St. Mark’s Parish, 1888. Colin G. Calloway, The American Revolution in Indian Country, 1999. Katherine Cann, Turning Point, the American Revolution in the Spartan District, 2014
Jimmy Carter, The Hornet’s
Nest, 2003 Donald Barr Chidsey, The War in the South the Carolinas and Georgia in the American Revolution, 1969 Henry Clinton, The American Rebellion, 1954 Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Trades, 2014
Suzanne E. Coffman, et al.,
- Three Hundred Years
H. S. Commager & R. B. Morris, The Spirit of Seventy-Six, 1995 Kay Cornelius, Francis Marion, 2001 Susan F. Craft, The Chamomile, 2011. Susan F. Craft, Laurel, 2015. William P. Cumming, North Carolina in Maps, 2001 Eric Dabney & Mike Coker, Historic South Carolina, 2006
Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South-Carolina,
Joann Conrad Dohla,
A Hessian
Diary of the American Revolution, Burgoyne,
John Drayton, Memoirs
of the American Revolution , 1821
Walter Edgar, South Carolina History Encyclopedia, 2006 Walter Edgar, Partisans & Redcoats, 2001 Walter Edgar, South Carolina History, 1998 Joe Epley, A Passel of Hate, 2011 Joe Epley, A Passel of Trouble, 2016 Leland G. Ferguson, Archeology at Scott’s Lake, 1975
Almost A Miracle,
Fleming, Liberty! The American Revolution,
1997 Walter J. Fraser, Jr., Patriots, Pistols and Petticoats, 1976 Alexander Garden, Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War…, 1822 Joseph T. Glatthaar and James K. Martin, Forgotten Allies, 2007 Noel B. Gerson, Light-Horse Harry, 1966 Noel B. Gerson, The Swamp Fox, 1967 Robert Wilson Gibbes, Documentary History of the American Revolution, 1857
John W. Gordon, South Carolina and the American Revolution, 2003
Louis Gottschlk,
LaFayette Comes To America,
1935 John
Grafton, The American Revolution,
1975 Matthew G. Grant, Francis Marion, 1974 Robert Graves, Sergeant Lamb’s America, 1940 (1995) William T. Graves, James Williams, An American Patriot, 2002 William T. Graves, Backcountry Evolutionary, 2012
Barbara Graymont, The Iroquois in the American Revolution, 1972. J.P. Greene & J.R. Pole, A Companion to The American Revolution, 2004 Francis Vinton Greene, General Greene, 1897 Jack P. Greene, A Companion to the American Revolution, Anne King Gregorie, Thomas Sumter, R. L. Bryan, 1931 Samuel B. Griffith, Mao Tse-Tung On Guerrilla Warefare, 1961
David Freeman Hawke, Everyday Life in Early America, 1959.
Don Higginbotham,
The War of American Independence,
Alexia Jones Helsley,
South Carolinians In The War
For Am. Independence, 2000
David R. Higgens, The Swamp Fox, 2013. William Hill, Col. William Hill’s Memoirs of the Revo;ution, 1921 Stewart H. Holbrook, The Swamp Fox of the Revolution, 1959
John Milton Hutchins,
Massacre at Old Tappan,
2007 Sheila Ingle, Fearless Martha, 2011
John Jakes,
Kent Family Chronicles, Vol I, II,
Wm. Dobein James, A Sketch of
the Life of Brig. Gen. Francis Marion
Joseph Johnson, M.D., Traditions and Reminiscences Chiefly of the American Revolution, 1851/2009
George Fenwick
Jones, The 1780 Siege of Charleston,
The SC Historical Magazine, 1987 Randall Jones, Before They Were Heroes at King’s Mountain, 2006 C. Brian Kelly, American Revolution, 1999 Frances H. Kennedy, The American Revolution a Historical Guidebook, 2014. Kevin F. Kiley & Digby Smith, Uniforms of the American War of Independence 1775-1783, 2010. Brian Kilmeade & Don Yaeger, George Washington’s Secret Six, 2013. F. M. Kirk, Pond Bluff, 2000 Wade S Kolb III and Robert M. Weir, Captured at Kings Mountain, 2011
Roger Lamb/Dan N. Hagist,
A British
Story, 1811/2004 Bruce Lancaster, The American Revolution, 2001
John Lawson,
A New Voyage to Carolina,
1709, reprint 1967 Henry Lee, Jr., The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas, 1824
Terry W. Lipscomb,
Various Booklets,
1988 John H. Logan, A History of the Upper Country of South Carolina, Reprint 2009
Benson J. Lossing, The Pictorial
Book of the Revolution,
1859 Karen L. MacNutt, Francis Marion and the Training Fields of Mars, 2016 Gregory D. Massey, John Laurens and the American Revolution, 2000 David B. Mattern, Benjamin Lincoln and the American Revolution, 1995 Bill Mauldin, Mud & Guts, 1978 Charles G. Mann, 1493, 2011 Edward McCrady, The History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1775-1780, 1901. Edward McCrady, The History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783, 1902.
Lee F. McGee, European Influences on Continental Cavalry, 2007 Hugh M. McLaurin, III, The Swamp Fox, 1988 Fitzhugh McMaster, Soldiers and Uniforms, SC Military Affairs, 1971 Robert L. Meriwether, The Expansion of South Carolina 1729-1765, 1940. John Mollo, Uniforms of the American Revolution, 1975
Horatio Newton Moore,
Francis Marion, 1845 Dan L. Morrill, Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution, 1993
Brendan Morrissey,
Yorktown 1781, 2004
G. Moss & Michael C. Scoggins, African-American
in the Southern Campaign William Moultrie, Memoirs of the American Revolution, 1802 James W. Mueller, Santee National Wildlife Archeological Survey, 1979 John A. Nagy, Dr. Benjamin Church, Spy, 2013 Erick W. Nason, In the Presence of Wolvees, 2016 National Geographic Society, America’s Historylands, 1962 Kenneth Nebenzahi & Don Higginbotham, Atlas of the American Revolution, 1974
George C. Neumann, Swords and Blades of the American Revolution, 1973 Cassie Nicholes, Historical Sketches of Sumter County, 1975 Patrick K. O’Donnell, Washington’s Immortals, 2016
Patrick O’Kelley, Nothing
but Blood & Slaughter-Rev. War in the Carolinas,
Vols. 1 & 2, 2004 Patrick O’Kelley, Unwaried Patience and Fortitude, Francis Marion's Orderly Books, 2007
John Oller,
The Swamp
How Francis Marion Saved the Revolution, 2016 John S. Pancake, This Destructive War, 1985 John C. Parker, Jr., Guide to the Revolutionary War in South Carolina, 2009. Michael Pearfon, Those Damned Rebels, 1972
Rodney M. Peck,
Colonial Artifacts of Early America,
2002 Michael Pearfon, Those Damned Rebels, 1972
Theda Perdue, The Cherokees, 2005
Margaret F. Pickett, Eliza Lucas Pinckney, 2016
Jim Piecuch,
The Battle of Camden, 2006
R. Randolph /
James Otis, How We Boys Aided Marion
the Swamp Fox, 1907 Hugh F. Rankin, Francis Marion: The Swamp Fox, 1973
Hugh F. Rankin,
The North Carolina Continentals.
1971 Ray Raphael, A People's History of the American Revolution, 2001 Roe Richmond, Island Fortress, 1952 Ricky Roberts & Bryan Brown, Every Insult & Indignity, 2011
Mrs. Arthur
Gordon Rose, Little Mistress Chicken,
1913 David Lee Russell, The American Revolution in the Southern Colonies, 2000 William R. Ryan, The World of Thomas Jeremiah, 2010 Ian Saberton, The Cornwallis Papers, 2010 Leslie Sackrison, Awesome Women, 2007
Henry Savage, Jr.,
River of
the Carolinas: The Santee, 1968
George F. Scheer & Hugh F. Rankin, Rebels & Redcoats, 1987
David Schenck,
North Carolina 1780-81,
1889 Michael C. Scoggins, The Day It Rained Militia, 2005 Anthony Scotti, Jr., Brutal Virtue, 2002 Bill Segars, Churches in SC Burned During the American Revolution, 2016 W. Gilmore Simms, Brig. General Francis Marion, edited by Jogn Huffman, 2012 W. Gilmore Simms, The Life of Francis Marion, 1844
W. Gilmore Simms (Charles S. Watson),
1852 (1983
B. Sloan, Scenic South Carolina, 1971 Steven D. Smith, The Search for Francis Marion, 2008 Steven D. Smith, Archaeological Evaluation of the Dunham’s Bluff Sites, 2009 Steven D. Smith, Francis Marion at Snow Island, 2010 Jack Sprott, Man Beloved: A Novel of the Yemassee War, 2011
Sol Stember,
The Bicentennial
Guide to the American Revolution, 1974
Richard Stengel (Time), Benjamin Franklin, 2010 Baron von Steuben, Revolutionary War Drill Manual, (Dover) 1985 D. W. Stokes, The Life of Francis Marion, 1974 James L. Stokesbury, A Short History of the American Revolution, 1991
S. Sumter, Stateburg and Its People,
1922 Christine R. Swager, Black Crows & White Cockades, 1990 Christine R. Swager, If Ever Your Country Needs You, 2001 Christine R. Swager, Come To the Cowpens!, 2002 Christine R. Swager, The Valiant Died, The Battle of Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781, 2006 Christine R. Swager, Heroes of Kettle Creek, 1779-1782 , 2008
Christine R. Swager,
Musgrove Mill Historic Site,
2013 Craig L. Symonds, Battlefield Atlas of American Revolution, 1986 Banastre Tarleton, History of the
Campaigns of 1780 & 1781, 1787 Don Troiani, Soldiers in America, 1998 Don Troiani and James L. Kochan, Soldiers of the American Revolution, 2007
Robert L. Tonsetic,
Special Operations During the American Revolution,
Daniel J. Tortora,
Carolina in Crisis,
2015 Marion Cabell Tyree, Housekeeping in Old Virginia, 1879. Recipes Harlow Giles Unger, Lafayette, 2002. Mark Urban, Fusiliers, 2007. Dorothy & James Volo, Daily Life During the American Revolution, 2003. Melissa Walker, The Battles of Kings Mountain and Cowpens, 2013. James A. Wallace, History of Williamsburg Church, 1856 (1971). Norman S. Walsh, Plantations, Pineland Villages, Pinopolis and Its People, 2007 Jessica Warner, John the Painter, 2004 George Washington, Journal of Major George Washington (1753-1754), 1959
Washington, Rules of Civility &
Decent Behaviour, Applewhite, 1988 James Webb, Born Fighting, 2004
M. L. Weems, The
Life of General Francis Marion,
F. Weigley, The Partisan War, 1970
C. Keith Wilbur,
The Revolutionary Soldier,
David K. Wilson,
The Southern Strategy, 2005 Robert Witherspoon, The Witherspoon Family Chronicle, 1780 (1967).
Charles Woodmason,
The Carolina Backcountry on the Eve of the Revolution,
Hooker-1953 Eugene N. Zeigler, Jr., In Disgrace with Fortune and Men’s Eyes, 2012.
Tony Zeiss,
Backcountry Fury,
Marion Letter,
re. Fort Watson, 23 April, 1781 L/C Brian W. Neil, The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution, The American Insurgency, 1780 to 1782. 2009.
Discussions with:
Sing along especially on the chorus; Music at Excerpt from Disney:
My name is Francis Marion. I fought the British redcoats in ’76, Hiding in the Carolina swamps by day & surprising them with swift strikes at night. They called me a tricky swamp fox, so a swamp fox I became.
Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox Tail on his hat. Nobody knows Where the Swamp Fox at. Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox Hiding in the glen. He runs away to fight again.
I fire a gun, the birds take wing. Their startled cry’s a signal clear. My men march forth to fight the King. And leave behind their loved ones dear.
Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Tail on his hat. Nobody knows Where the Swamp Fox at. Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Hiding in the glen. He runs away to fight again.
We had no lead, we had no powder. Always fought with an empty gun. Only made us shout the louder. We are the men of Marion.
We had no cornpone, had no honey, all we had was continental money. Couldn’t buy nothing worth beans in a pot Roastin’ ears & possum was all we ever got. . Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Tail on his hat. Nobody knows Where the Swamp Fox at. Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Hiding in the glen. He runs away to fight again.
We had no blankets, had no beds. Had no roof above our heads. We get no shelter when it rains. All we got was Yankee brains.
The Redcoats rise in a foreign land Their hearts are far across the sea, They never try to understand We fight for home & liberty.
Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Tail on his hat. Nobody knows Where the Swamp Fox at. Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, Hiding in the glen. He runs away to fight again.
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